Annualized average growth rate in per capita real survey mean consumption or income, bottom 40% of population (%) (World) - 2022

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* Data Description : The growth rate in the welfare aggregate of the bottom 40% is computed as the annualized average growth rate in per capita real consumption or income of the bottom 40% of the population in the income distribution in a country from household surveys over a roughly 5-year period. Mean per capita real consumption or income is measured at 2011 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) using the PovcalNet ( For some countries means are not reported due to grouped and/or confidential data. The annualized growth rate is computed as (Mean in final year/Mean in initial year)^(1/(Final year - Initial year)) - 1. The reference year is the year in which the underlying household survey data was collected. In cases for which the data collection period bridged two calendar years, the first year in which data were collected is reported. The initial year refers to the nearest survey collected 5 years before the most recent survey available, only surveys collected between 3 and 7 years before the most recent survey are considered. The final year refers to the most recent survey available between 2011 and 2015.
* Data Source :
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Annualized average growth rate in per capita real survey mean consumption or income, bottom 40% of population (%)" in the World (2022) : Indonesia(3,44), El Salvador(2,51), Paraguay(0,58), Costa Rica(0,85), Ecuador(-1,14).

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