Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU) (Asia) - 2022

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* Data Description : The terms of trade effect equals capacity to import less exports of goods and services in constant prices. Data are in constant local currency.
* Data Source : Worldbank.org
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU)" in the Asia (2022) : Vietnam(225.499.000.000.000), Cambodia(31.987.500.000.000), Russia(14.395.300.000.000), Mongolia(6.852.280.000.000), Kazakhstan(4.503.140.000.000), Pakistan(198.465.000.000), Israel(63.207.300.000), Singapore(30.912.200.000), Malaysia(25.619.600.000), Nepal(17.250.800.000).

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