IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high) (World) - 2023
* Data Description : IDA Resource Allocation Index is obtained by calculating the average score for each cluster and then by averaging those scores. For each of 16 criteria countries are rated on a scale of 1 (low) to 6 (high).
* Data Source :
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high)" in the World (2023) : Rwanda(4,11667), Samoa(3,95833), Benin(3,9), Cape Verde(3,875), Uzbekistan(3,84167), Kenya(3,83333), Ivory Coast(3,80833), Togo(3,76667), Bhutan(3,75), Grenada(3,725).