Time to import (days) (S.America) - 2014

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* Data Description : Time to import is the time necessary to comply with all procedures required to import goods. Time is recorded in calendar days. The time calculation for a procedure starts from the moment it is initiated and runs until it is completed. If a procedure can be accelerated for an additional cost, the fastest legal procedure is chosen. It is assumed that neither the exporter nor the importer wastes time and that each commits to completing each remaining procedure without delay. Procedures that can be completed in parallel are measured as simultaneous. The waiting time between procedures--for example, during unloading of the cargo--is included in the measure.
* Data Source : Worldbank.org
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Time to import (days)" in the S.America (2014) : Venezuela(82), Argentina(30), Paraguay(30), Bolivia(28), Ecuador(24), Guyana(22), Suriname(19), Brazil(17), Peru(17), Trinidad and Tobago(14).

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