Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU) (World) - 2022
* Data Description : Subsidies, grants, and other social benefits include all unrequited, nonrepayable transfers on current account to private and public enterprises
* Data Source :
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU)" in the World (2022) : Indonesia(551., South Korea(523.939.000.000.000), Colombia(279.367.000.000.000), Japan(83.045.400.000.000), Chile(32.090.700.000.000), United Republic of Tanzania(17.856.500.000.000), Argentina(, Paraguay(12.871.200.000.000), Hungary(11.250.600.000.000), Uganda(8.376.110.000.000).