Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %) (World) - 2022
* Data Description : Interest rate spread is the interest rate charged by banks on loans to private sector customers minus the interest rate paid by commercial or similar banks for demand, time, or savings deposits. The terms and conditions attached to these rates differ by country, however, limiting their comparability.
* Data Source :
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %)" in the World (2022) : Zimbabwe(97,0933), Madagascar(35,4583), Brazil(27,4006), Kyrgyzstan(17,2623), South Sudan(16,2333), Sao Tome and Principe(15,4161), Sierra Leone(13,9349), Angola(13,0136), Mozambique(12,3457), Ukraine(11,1937).