Electricity production from coal sources (% of total) (N.America) - 2015

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* Data Description : Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Coal refers to all coal and brown coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite-brown coal) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, coke oven gas, and blast furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.
* Data Source : Worldbank.org
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Electricity production from coal sources (% of total)" in the N.America (2015) : United States of America(34,2327), Guatemala(21,3601), Dominican Republic(12,8569), Mexico(10,8659), Canada(9,83645), Panama(6,91531), Honduras(1,03737), Costa Rica(0), Cuba(0), El Salvador(0).

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