Debt stock reduction (current US$) (World) - 2018

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* Data Description : Debt stock reductions show the amount that has been netted out of the stock of debt using debt conversion schemes such as buybacks and equity swaps or the discounted value of long-term bonds that were issued in exchange for outstanding debt. It includes the effect of any financial operation that will reduce the debt stock other than debt stock restructuring, repayment of principal and debt forgiven. In particular, debt stock reduction will include the face value of debt bought back, the face value of debt swapped for equity (or nature or development), any face value reduction that might result as the consequence of a bond exchange, and any face value reduction resulting from an exchange of debt for discount bonds. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
* Data Source :
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "Debt stock reduction (current US$)" in the World (2018) : Mexico(597.446.000), Algeria(171.287), Afghanistan(0), Albania(0), Angola(0), Argentina(0), Armenia(0), Azerbaijan(0), Bangladesh(0), Belarus(0).

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