International tourism, number of departures (Asia) - 2020

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* Data Description : International outbound tourists are the number of departures that people make from their country of usual residence to any other country for any purpose other than a remunerated activity in the country visited. The data on outbound tourists refer to the number of departures, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips from a country during a given period is counted each time as a new departure.
* Data Source :
* By changing the date from the drop-down menu, you can view statistics on maps since 2000.
* Countries with the highest value of "International tourism, number of departures" in the Asia (2020) : China(20.334.000), Russia(12.361.000), United Arab Emirates(6.458.000), South Korea(4.276.000), Japan(3.174.000), Indonesia(2.918.000), Kazakhstan(2.865.000), Turkey(2.243.000), Oman(1.657.000), Iran(1.550.000).

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