Worldbank Country Statistics for Guinea Bissau
Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population) | 8,12465 |
Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population) | 7,94963 |
Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population) | 9,60136 |
Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population) | 9,30304 |
Population ages 15-64 (% of total) | 57,5254 |
Population ages 15-64, total | 1.237.280 |
Population ages 15-64, male (% of total) | 57,0989 |
Population ages 15-64, male | 606.814 |
Population ages 15-64, female (% of total) | 57,9418 |
Population ages 15-64, female | 630.466 |
Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population) | 11,3084 |
Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population) | 10,8775 |
Population ages 10-14, male (% of male population) | 12,7115 |
Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population) | 12,1558 |
Population ages 5-9, male (% of male population) | 13,624 |
Population ages 5-9, female (% of female population) | 12,9748 |
Population ages 0-14 (% of total) | 39,6387 |
Population ages 0-14, total | 852.565 |
Population ages 0-14, male (% of total) | 40,6244 |
Population ages 0-14, male | 431.732 |
Population ages 0-14, female (% of total) | 38,6759 |
Population ages 0-14, female | 420.833 |
Population ages 0-4, male (% of male population) | 14,2889 |
Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population) | 13,5453 |
Refugee population by country or territory of origin | 1.859 |
Refugee population by country or territory of asylum | 24 |
Net migration | -1.400 |
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) | 3,183 |
Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) | 3,562 |
Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) | 2,718 |
Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate | 0,347594 |
PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $) | 210,84 |
Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) | 606,57 |
DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$) | 606,57 |
Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU) | -28.375.700.000 |
Net taxes on products (constant LCU) | 46.904.000.000 |
Net taxes on products (current LCU) | 60.790.000.000 |
Net taxes on products (current US$) | 100.219.000 |
Net income from abroad (current LCU) | 16.452.200.000 |
Net income from abroad (current US$) | 27.123.300 |
GNI per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 2.403,06 |
GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) | 2.670 |
GNI per capita (constant LCU) | 450.620 |
GNI per capita growth (annual %) | 1,94915 |
GNI per capita (constant 2010 US$) | 762,198 |
GNI per capita (current LCU) | 562.221 |
Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) | 14,4965 |
Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP) | 10,4337 |
Broad money growth (annual %) | -1,11393 |
Broad money (% of GDP) | 41,4154 |
Broad money (current LCU) | 494.002.000.000 |
Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of broad money) | 0,809861 |
Net foreign assets (current LCU) | 244.397.000.000 |
Net domestic credit (current LCU) | 311.748.000.000 |
Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (annual growth as % of broad money) | 0,695245 |
Claims on central government (annual growth as % of broad money) | 5,41006 |
Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%) | 6,34059 |
Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP) | 14,1108 |
Legislation exists on domestic violence (1=yes; 0=no) | 1 |
Law mandates nondiscrimination based on gender in hiring (1=yes; 0=no) | 1 |
Law mandates equal remuneration for females and males for work of equal value (1=yes; 0=no) | 0 |
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) | 9,80392 |
CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6=high) | 1,5 |
CPIA trade rating (1=low to 6=high) | 4 |
CPIA structural policies cluster average (1=low to 6=high) | 2,83333 |
CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high) | 3 |
CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high) | 2,1 |
CPIA social protection rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2 |
CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2 |
CPIA quality of public administration rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2 |
CPIA macroeconomic management rating (1=low to 6=high) | 3,5 |
IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high) | 2,56667 |
CPIA building human resources rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
CPIA fiscal policy rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
CPIA financial sector rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2 |
CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2 |
CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating (1=low to 6=high) | 3 |
CPIA economic management cluster average (1=low to 6=high) | 2,83333 |
CPIA debt policy rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
CPIA business regulatory environment rating (1=low to 6=high) | 2,5 |
Merchandise exports (current US$) | 233.000.000 |
Merchandise imports (current US$) | 588.000.000 |
Secondary education, duration (years) | 6 |
Lower secondary school starting age (years) | 12 |
Merchandise trade (% of GDP) | 41,7501 |
Urban population (% of total) | 45,466 |
Urban population | 977.902 |
Urban population growth (annual %) | 3,06668 |
Rural population (% of total population) | 54,534 |
Rural population growth (annual %) | 1,35119 |
Rural population | 1.172.940 |
Population, male (% of total) | 49,4105 |
Population, male | 1.062.740 |
Population, female (% of total) | 50,5895 |
Population, female | 1.088.100 |
Population, total | 2.150.840 |
Population growth (annual %) | 2,12751 |
Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population) | 68,9064 |
Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population) | 4,92993 |
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) | 73,8363 |
Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population) | 0,251708 |
Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population) | 0,342983 |
Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population) | 0,370363 |
Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population) | 0,493658 |
Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population) | 0,668837 |
Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population) | 0,989522 |
Population ages 65 and above (% of total) | 2,83598 |
Population ages 65 and above, total | 60.997 |
Population ages 65 and above, male (% of total) | 2,27666 |
Population ages 65 and above, male | 24.195 |
Population ages 65 and above, female (% of total) | 3,38227 |
Population ages 65 and above, female | 36.802 |
Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population) | 0,985753 |
Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population) | 1,5561 |
Population ages 60-64, male (% of male population) | 1,30737 |
Population ages 60-64, female (% of female population) | 1,96884 |
Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population) | 1,78872 |
Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population) | 2,3382 |
Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population) | 2,73279 |
Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population) | 3,15793 |
Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population) | 3,90105 |
Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population) | 4,21491 |
Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population) | 5,2024 |
Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population) | 5,19198 |
Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population) | 6,23172 |
Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population) | 6,13753 |
Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population) | 6,90051 |
Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population) | 6,80231 |
Primary education, duration (years) | 6 |
Primary school starting age (years) | 6 |
Preprimary education, duration (years) | 3 |
Compulsory education, duration (years) | 9 |
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) | 900 |
GNI, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 5.168.600.000 |
GNI, PPP (current international $) | 5.735.370.000 |
GNI (constant LCU) | 969.213.000.000 |
GNI growth (annual %) | 4,14136 |
GNI (constant 2010 US$) | 1.639.370.000 |
GNI (current LCU) | |
GNI (current US$) | 1.993.580.000 |
GNI, Atlas method (current US$) | 1.943.500.000 |
Gross domestic income (constant LCU) | 927.956.000.000 |
Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) | 14,4343 |
Gross domestic savings (current LCU) | |
Gross domestic savings (current US$) | 283.845.000 |
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 2.370,86 |
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) | 2.630,29 |
GDP per capita (constant LCU) | 444.631 |
GDP per capita growth (annual %) | 2,05382 |
GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$) | 752,067 |
GDP per capita (current LCU) | 554.572 |
GDP per capita (current US$) | 914,275 |
GDP, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 5.099.340.000 |
GDP, PPP (current international $) | 5.657.340.000 |
GDP (constant LCU) | 956.331.000.000 |
GDP growth (annual %) | 4,24828 |
GDP (constant 2010 US$) | 1.617.580.000 |
GDP: linked series (current LCU) | 1.192.800.000.000 |
GDP (current LCU) | 1.192.800.000.000 |
GDP (current US$) | 1.966.460.000 |
Gross value added at factor cost (constant LCU) | 909.427.000.000 |
Gross value added at factor cost (constant 2010 US$) | 1.538.240.000 |
Gross value added at factor cost (current LCU) | |
Gross value added at factor cost (current US$) | 1.866.240.000 |
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU) | |
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU) | 8.948.000.000 |
GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country) | 124,726 |
GDP deflator (base year varies by country) | 124,726 |
Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) | 7,01064 |
Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) | 7,01064 |
Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU) | |
Population in the largest city (% of urban population) | 67,9461 |
Population in largest city | 664.446 |
Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) | 4,039 |
Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) | 3,938 |
Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) | 4,17 |
Labor force, total | 726.412 |
Labor force, female (% of total labor force) | 44,8901 |
Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) | 55,952 |
Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) | 63,443 |
Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 77,0282 |
Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) | 48,869 |
Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 35,028 |
Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 39,363 |
Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 30,64 |
GDP per person employed (constant 2011 PPP $) | 7.245,88 |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 54,207 |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 61,222 |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 47,574 |
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 33,656 |
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 37,864 |
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 29,398 |
Industry, value added (% of GDP) | 16,0561 |
Industry, value added (constant LCU) | 144.864.000.000 |
Industry, value added (annual % growth) | 4,00023 |
Industry, value added (constant 2010 US$) | 245.029.000 |
Industry, value added (current LCU) | 191.517.000.000 |
Industry, value added (current US$) | 315.738.000 |
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) | 33,7083 |
Agriculture, value added (constant LCU) | 338.695.000.000 |
Agriculture, value added (annual % growth) | 7,50004 |
Agriculture, value added (constant 2010 US$) | 572.883.000 |
Agriculture, value added (current LCU) | 402.071.000.000 |
Agriculture, value added (current US$) | 662.860.000 |
Trade (% of GDP) | 46,1831 |
External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) | -10,3441 |
External balance on goods and services (constant LCU) | -74.400.000.000 |
External balance on goods and services (current LCU) | -123.384.000.000 |
External balance on goods and services (current US$) | -203.413.000 |
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) | 28,2636 |
Imports of goods and services (constant LCU) | 280.818.000.000 |
Imports of goods and services (annual % growth) | 0,800103 |
Imports of goods and services (constant 2010 US$) | 474.987.000 |
Imports of goods and services (current LCU) | 337.127.000.000 |
Imports of goods and services (current US$) | 555.793.000 |
Gross capital formation (% of GDP) | 24,0282 |
Gross capital formation (constant LCU) | 241.733.000.000 |
Gross capital formation (annual % growth) | 22,8037 |
Gross capital formation (constant 2010 US$) | 408.877.000 |
Gross capital formation (current LCU) | 286.608.000.000 |
Gross capital formation (current US$) | 472.506.000 |
Changes in inventories (constant LCU) | 2.302.000.000 |
Changes in inventories (current LCU) | 2.871.000.000 |
Changes in inventories (current US$) | 4.733.170 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) | 23,7876 |
Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU) | 239.431.000.000 |
Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth) | 23,0135 |
Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2010 US$) | 404.984.000 |
Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU) | 283.738.000.000 |
Gross fixed capital formation (current US$) | 467.775.000 |
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) | 17,9195 |
Exports of goods and services (constant LCU) | 206.418.000.000 |
Exports of goods and services (annual % growth) | -3,10015 |
Exports of goods and services (constant 2010 US$) | 349.144.000 |
Exports of goods and services (current LCU) | 213.743.000.000 |
Exports of goods and services (current US$) | 352.380.000 |
Gross national expenditure (% of GDP) | 109,594 |
Gross national expenditure (constant LCU) | 1.023.560.000.000 |
Gross national expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 1.731.290.000 |
Gross national expenditure (current LCU) | 1.307.230.000.000 |
Gross national expenditure (current US$) | |
Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country) | 127,715 |
Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) | 781.825.000.000 |
Final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 1.322.410.000 |
Final consumption expenditure (current LCU) | 1.020.620.000.000 |
Final consumption expenditure (current US$) | 1.682.620.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 3.004.790.000 |
Personal remittances, received (% of GDP) | 9,37698 |
Personal remittances, received (current US$) | 184.395.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) | 592.242.000.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) | -1,19996 |
Household final consumption expenditure (current LCU) | 794.132.000.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure (current US$) | 1.309.220.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) | 18,9883 |
General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) | 189.583.000.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) | 5,46158 |
General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 320.669.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU) | 226.492.000.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (current US$) | 373.398.000 |