General Information for Western Sahara  |
What is the capital city of Western Sahara ? | Laayoune / El Aaiun | |
What is the total area of Western Sahara ? (km2) | 266.000 | |
What is the population in Western Sahara ? (2020) | 597.339 | |
What is the median age in Western Sahara ? | 28 | |
What is the iso country code for Western Sahara ? (2lt) | EH | |
What is the iso country code for Western Sahara ? (3lt) | ESH | |
What continent is Western Sahara in ? | Africa | |
What currency is used in Western Sahara ? | Moroccan Dirham | |
What is the currency code for Western Sahara ? | MAD | |
What is the tel code for Western Sahara ? | +212 | |
What language use in Western Sahara ? | Arabic | |
What is the language code for Arabic ? | AR | |
What is the internet TLD code for Western Sahara ? | .eh | |
Where is the highest place in Western Sahara ? | Tikhzoukhane (605 m.) | |
Where is the lowest place in Western Sahara ? | Sebjet Tah (-55 m.) | |