General Information for Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe Flag Icon

What is the capital city of Sao Tome and Principe ?Sao Tome List of Countries by Capital Cities
What is the total area of Sao Tome and Principe ? (km2)964 List of Countries by Total Area (km<sup>2</sup>)
What is the population in Sao Tome and Principe ? (2020)219.159 List of Countries by Population (2020)
What is the median age in Sao Tome and Principe ?19 List of Countries by Median Age
What is the iso country code for Sao Tome and Principe ? (2lt)ST List of Countries by Country Code (2,3 letters)
What is the iso country code for Sao Tome and Principe ? (3lt)STP List of Countries by Country Code (2,3 letters)
What continent is Sao Tome and Principe in ?Africa List of Countries by Continents
What currency is used in Sao Tome and Principe ?Droba List of Countries by  Currency, Currency Code
What is the currency code for Sao Tome and Principe ?STD List of Countries by  Currency, Currency Code
What is the tel code for Sao Tome and Principe ?+239 List of Countries by International Telephone Codes
What language use in Sao Tome and Principe ?Portuguese List of Countries by Language, Language Code
What is the language code for Portuguese ?PT List of Countries by Language, Language Code
What is the internet TLD code for Sao Tome and Principe ?.st List of Countries by CCTLD(Internet)
Where is the highest place in Sao Tome and Principe ?Pico de São Tomé on São Tomé Island (2024 m.) List of Countries by Highest and Lowest Points (Places)
Where is the lowest place in Sao Tome and Principe ?Gulf of Guinea (0 m.) List of Countries by Highest and Lowest Points (Places)

* Click on the map icon to see the statistics on the map.

Worldbank Country Statistics for Sao Tome and Principe

World map icon Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)1,35154
World map icon Personal remittances, received (current US$)8.153.010
World map icon Merchandise exports (current US$)20.000.000
World map icon Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports)0,181793
World map icon Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports)1,46467
World map icon Food exports (% of merchandise exports)98,2104
World map icon Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports)0,143121
World map icon Legislation exists on domestic violence (1=yes; 0=no)1
World map icon Law mandates nondiscrimination based on gender in hiring (1=yes; 0=no)1
World map icon Law mandates equal remuneration for females and males for work of equal value (1=yes; 0=no)0
World map icon Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)14,5455
World map icon Government expenditure on education, total (% of government expenditure)18,345
World map icon CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6=high)3,5
World map icon CPIA trade rating (1=low to 6=high)4
World map icon CPIA structural policies cluster average (1=low to 6=high)3,16667
World map icon CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average (1=low to 6=high)3,2
World map icon CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high)3
World map icon CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high)3
World map icon CPIA social protection rating (1=low to 6=high)2,5
World map icon CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating (1=low to 6=high)3
World map icon CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high)3
World map icon CPIA quality of public administration rating (1=low to 6=high)3
World map icon CPIA macroeconomic management rating (1=low to 6=high)2,5
World map icon IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high)2,925
World map icon CPIA building human resources rating (1=low to 6=high)3,5
World map icon CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high)3,5
World map icon CPIA fiscal policy rating (1=low to 6=high)2,5
World map icon CPIA financial sector rating (1=low to 6=high)2,5
World map icon CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating (1=low to 6=high)2,5
World map icon CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating (1=low to 6=high)3,5
World map icon CPIA economic management cluster average (1=low to 6=high)2,33333
World map icon CPIA debt policy rating (1=low to 6=high)2
World map icon CPIA business regulatory environment rating (1=low to 6=high)3
World map icon Merchandise imports (current US$)186.000.000
World map icon Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports)0,576708
World map icon Manufactures imports (% of merchandise imports)37,099
World map icon Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports)29,2784
World map icon Food imports (% of merchandise imports)31,8148
World map icon Agricultural raw materials imports (% of merchandise imports)0,864894
World map icon Secondary education, duration (years)6
World map icon Lower secondary school starting age (years)12
World map icon Merchandise trade (% of GDP)34,1489
World map icon Urban population (% of total)76,401
World map icon Urban population177.140
World map icon Urban population growth (annual %)2,79819
World map icon Rural population (% of total population)23,599
World map icon Rural population growth (annual %)0,750158
World map icon Rural population54.716
World map icon Population, male (% of total)49,859
World map icon Population, male115.601
World map icon Population, female (% of total)50,1406
World map icon Population, female116.254
World map icon Population, total231.856
World map icon Population growth (annual %)1,94939
World map icon Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population)67,95
World map icon Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population)6,59309
World map icon Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population)74,543
World map icon Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population)0,507349
World map icon Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population)0,919964
World map icon Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population)0,530705
World map icon Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population)0,707069
World map icon Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population)0,933383
World map icon Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population)1,01889
World map icon Population ages 65 and above (% of total)3,77714
World map icon Population ages 65 and above, total8.758
World map icon Population ages 65 and above, male (% of total)3,40914
World map icon Population ages 65 and above, male3.941
World map icon Population ages 65 and above, female (% of total)4,14307
World map icon Population ages 65 and above, female4.816
World map icon Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population)1,4377
World map icon Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population)1,49715
World map icon Population ages 60-64, male (% of male population)2,13017
World map icon Population ages 60-64, female (% of female population)2,18916
World map icon Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population)2,72575
World map icon Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population)2,61495
World map icon Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population)3,58301
World map icon Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population)3,26009
World map icon Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population)4,59295
World map icon Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population)4,28328
World map icon Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population)5,58213
World map icon Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population)5,43463
World map icon Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population)5,71232
World map icon Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population)5,743
World map icon Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population)5,80012
World map icon Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population)5,86773
World map icon Primary education, duration (years)6
World map icon Primary school starting age (years)6
World map icon Preprimary education, duration (years)3
World map icon Compulsory education, duration (years)6
World map icon Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population)6,76465
World map icon Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population)6,93393
World map icon Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population)8,88876
World map icon Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population)9,27663
World map icon Population ages 15-64 (% of total)57,2926
World map icon Population ages 15-64, total132.836
World map icon Population ages 15-64, male (% of total)57,3066
World map icon Population ages 15-64, male66.247
World map icon Population ages 15-64, female (% of total)57,2786
World map icon Population ages 15-64, female66.589
World map icon Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population)11,5267
World map icon Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population)11,6752
World map icon Population ages 10-14, male (% of male population)12,5531
World map icon Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population)12,4718
World map icon Population ages 5-9, male (% of male population)13,2616
World map icon Population ages 5-9, female (% of female population)13,0189
World map icon Population ages 0-14 (% of total)38,9303
World map icon Population ages 0-14, total90.262
World map icon Population ages 0-14, male (% of total)39,2843
World map icon Population ages 0-14, male45.413
World map icon Population ages 0-14, female (% of total)38,5783
World map icon Population ages 0-14, female44.849
World map icon Population ages 0-4, male (% of male population)13,4696
World map icon Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population)13,0877
World map icon Refugee population by country or territory of origin11
World map icon Net migration-600
World map icon Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)14,208
World map icon Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)9,932
World map icon Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)22,05
World map icon PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $)12,2383
World map icon Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate0,42908
World map icon PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $)9,7952
World map icon DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$)22,8284
World map icon Net current transfers from abroad (current LCU)771.576.000
World map icon Net current transfers from abroad (current US$)33.799.000
World map icon Net income from abroad (current LCU)172.008.000
World map icon Net income from abroad (current US$)7.534.820
World map icon GNI per capita, PPP (current international $)6.140
World map icon GNI per capita (current LCU)60.136,5
World map icon Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)21,2589
World map icon Consumer price index (2010 = 100)338,807
World map icon Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)21,075
World map icon Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)15,263
World map icon Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate)33,546
World map icon Labor force, total76.394
World map icon Labor force, female (% of total labor force)35,2881
World map icon Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)53,953
World map icon Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)70,434
World map icon Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (modeled ILO estimate)53,602
World map icon Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate)37,754
World map icon Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)34,124
World map icon Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)47,3
World map icon Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)21,357
World map icon GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)2.480
World map icon GNI, PPP (current international $)1.423.450.000
World map icon GNI (current LCU)13.943.000.000
World map icon GNI (current US$)610.776.000
World map icon GNI, Atlas method (current US$)573.881.000
World map icon GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $)5.465,57
World map icon GDP per capita, PPP (current international $)6.063,65
World map icon GDP per capita (constant LCU)17.830,9
World map icon GDP per capita growth (annual %)-2,39579
World map icon GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$)1.361,73
World map icon GDP per capita (current LCU)59.394,6
World map icon GDP per capita (current US$)2.601,79
World map icon GDP, PPP (constant 2011 international $)
World map icon GDP, PPP (current international $)1.405.890.000
World map icon GDP (constant LCU)
World map icon GDP growth (annual %)0,474443
World map icon GDP (constant 2010 US$)315.726.000
World map icon GDP: linked series (current LCU)13.771.000.000
World map icon GDP (current LCU)13.771.000.000
World map icon GDP (current US$)603.241.000
World map icon GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country)333,1
World map icon GDP deflator (base year varies by country)333,1
World map icon Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %)8,65656
World map icon Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %)8,65656
World map icon GDP per person employed (constant 2011 PPP $)19.342,8
World map icon Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)46,269
World map icon Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)63,422
World map icon Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)29,409
World map icon Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)26,918
World map icon Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)40,127
World map icon Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)14,119

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