Worldbank Country Statistics for Puerto Rico
Agriculture, value added (current US$) | 817.800.000 |
Trade (% of GDP) | 101,727 |
External balance on goods and services (% of GDP) | 6,12371 |
External balance on goods and services (current LCU) | |
External balance on goods and services (current US$) | |
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) | 47,8016 |
Imports of goods and services (current LCU) | 56.359.200.000 |
Imports of goods and services (current US$) | 56.359.200.000 |
Gross capital formation (% of GDP) | 14,2096 |
Gross capital formation (constant LCU) | 5.303.000.000 |
Gross capital formation (annual % growth) | -55,7759 |
Gross capital formation (constant 2010 US$) | 4.022.400.000 |
Gross capital formation (current LCU) | 16.753.500.000 |
Gross capital formation (current US$) | 16.753.500.000 |
Changes in inventories (constant LCU) | -7.922.200.000 |
Changes in inventories (current LCU) | 570.500.000 |
Changes in inventories (current US$) | 570.500.000 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) | 13,7258 |
Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU) | |
Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth) | 2,78307 |
Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2010 US$) | 13.068.300.000 |
Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU) | |
Gross fixed capital formation (current US$) | |
Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP) | 13,0876 |
Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (current LCU) | 15.430.600.000 |
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) | 53,9253 |
Exports of goods and services (current LCU) | 63.579.200.000 |
Exports of goods and services (current US$) | 63.579.200.000 |
Gross national expenditure (% of GDP) | 101,285 |
Gross national expenditure (constant LCU) | 100.434.000.000 |
Gross national expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 98.499.500.000 |
Gross national expenditure (current LCU) | 119.417.000.000 |
Gross national expenditure (current US$) | 119.417.000.000 |
Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country) | 118,901 |
Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) | 95.131.400.000 |
Final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 94.477.100.000 |
Final consumption expenditure (current LCU) | 102.664.000.000 |
Final consumption expenditure (current US$) | 102.664.000.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 97.959.000.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %) | -4,66521 |
Household final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2010 US$) | 24.354,6 |
Household final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) | 85.512.100.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) | 3,2154 |
Household final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 78.073.300.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure (current LCU) | 94.265.600.000 |
Household final consumption expenditure (current US$) | 94.265.600.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) | 7,12302 |
General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU) | 9.619.300.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth) | 0,292977 |
General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2010 US$) | 9.565.900.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU) | 8.398.200.000 |
General government final consumption expenditure (current US$) | 8.398.200.000 |
Legislation exists on domestic violence (1=yes; 0=no) | 1 |
Law mandates nondiscrimination based on gender in hiring (1=yes; 0=no) | 1 |
Law mandates equal remuneration for females and males for work of equal value (1=yes; 0=no) | 0 |
Secondary education, duration (years) | 6 |
Lower secondary school starting age (years) | 12 |
Urban population (% of total) | 93,634 |
Urban population | 3.001.620 |
Urban population growth (annual %) | 0,423241 |
Rural population (% of total population) | 6,366 |
Rural population growth (annual %) | 0,825207 |
Rural population | 204.074 |
Population, male (% of total) | 47,1108 |
Population, male | 1.510.230 |
Population, female (% of total) | 52,8891 |
Population, female | 1.695.460 |
Population, total | 3.205.690 |
Population growth (annual %) | 0,448878 |
Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population) | 21,0226 |
Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population) | 36,8987 |
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) | 57,9213 |
Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population) | 5,14922 |
Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population) | 7,02443 |
Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population) | 4,42778 |
Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population) | 5,23289 |
Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population) | 5,39118 |
Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population) | 6,13094 |
Population ages 65 and above (% of total) | 23,3652 |
Population ages 65 and above, total | 749.017 |
Population ages 65 and above, male (% of total) | 21,2801 |
Population ages 65 and above, male | 321.377 |
Population ages 65 and above, female (% of total) | 25,2226 |
Population ages 65 and above, female | 427.639 |
Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population) | 6,31188 |
Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population) | 6,8343 |
Population ages 60-64, male (% of male population) | 6,835 |
Population ages 60-64, female (% of female population) | 7,14517 |
Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population) | 6,9521 |
Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population) | 6,99828 |
Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population) | 6,69382 |
Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population) | 6,62834 |
Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population) | 6,50361 |
Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population) | 6,55258 |
Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population) | 6,41344 |
Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population) | 6,34047 |
Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population) | 5,61879 |
Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population) | 5,56983 |
Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population) | 6,09706 |
Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population) | 6,16014 |
Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population) | 6,46696 |
Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population) | 6,16832 |
Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population) | 6,64883 |
Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population) | 5,81114 |
Population ages 15-64 (% of total) | 63,3227 |
Population ages 15-64, total | 2.029.930 |
Population ages 15-64, male (% of total) | 64,2519 |
Population ages 15-64, male | 970.350 |
Population ages 15-64, female (% of total) | 62,4951 |
Population ages 15-64, female | 1.059.580 |
Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population) | 6,02225 |
Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population) | 5,12079 |
Population ages 10-14, male (% of male population) | 5,45902 |
Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population) | 4,64995 |
Population ages 5-9, male (% of male population) | 4,67557 |
Population ages 5-9, female (% of female population) | 3,96392 |
Population ages 0-14 (% of total) | 13,3121 |
Population ages 0-14, total | 426.744 |
Population ages 0-14, male (% of total) | 14,4681 |
Population ages 0-14, male | 218.501 |
Population ages 0-14, female (% of total) | 12,2824 |
Population ages 0-14, female | 208.243 |
Population ages 0-4, male (% of male population) | 4,33347 |
Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population) | 3,66851 |
Net migration | 19.835 |
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) | 5,962 |
Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) | 6,771 |
Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) | 4,81 |
Primary education, duration (years) | 6 |
Primary school starting age (years) | 6 |
Preprimary education, duration (years) | 6 |
Compulsory education, duration (years) | 13 |
Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) | 13,65 |
Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) | 14,895 |
Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) | 10,519 |
Labor force, total | 1.154.150 |
Labor force, female (% of total labor force) | 41,2462 |
Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) | 41,532 |
Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) | 52,496 |
Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 60,9742 |
Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) | 32,009 |
Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 23,018 |
Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 32,421 |
Labor force participation rate for ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 13,309 |
Price level ratio of PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate | 0,771057 |
PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $) | 0,771057 |
Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) | 1 |
DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$) | 1 |
Net income from abroad (current LCU) | -36.351.600.000 |
Net income from abroad (current US$) | -36.351.600.000 |
GNI per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 30.682,8 |
GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) | 32.990 |
GNI per capita (constant LCU) | 21.898,9 |
GNI per capita growth (annual %) | 4,2478 |
GNI per capita (constant 2010 US$) | 20.965,6 |
GNI per capita (current LCU) | 25.439,4 |
GDP per person employed (constant 2011 PPP $) | 127.326 |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 38,953 |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 48,785 |
Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 30,413 |
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 19,763 |
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 27,423 |
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate) | 11,854 |
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) | 25.240 |
GNI, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 98.359.500.000 |
GNI, PPP (current international $) | 105.765.000.000 |
GNI (constant LCU) | |
GNI growth (annual %) | 3,7809 |
GNI (constant 2010 US$) | |
GNI (current LCU) | 81.550.700.000 |
GNI (current US$) | 81.550.700.000 |
GNI, Atlas method (current US$) | 80.926.100.000 |
Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) | 12,9247 |
Gross domestic savings (current LCU) | 15.238.500.000 |
Gross domestic savings (current US$) | 15.238.500.000 |
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 42.994,8 |
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) | 47.699,6 |
GDP per capita (constant LCU) | 31.436 |
GDP per capita growth (annual %) | 1,01594 |
GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$) | 30.122,8 |
GDP per capita (current LCU) | 36.779,1 |
GDP per capita (current US$) | 36.779,1 |
GDP, PPP (constant 2011 international $) | 137.828.000.000 |
GDP, PPP (current international $) | 152.910.000.000 |
GDP (constant LCU) | 100.774.000.000 |
GDP growth (annual %) | 0,563519 |
GDP (constant 2010 US$) | 96.564.500.000 |
GDP: linked series (current LCU) | 117.902.000.000 |
GDP (current LCU) | 117.902.000.000 |
GDP (current US$) | 117.902.000.000 |
Gross value added at factor cost (current LCU) | |
Gross value added at factor cost (current US$) | |
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU) | -8.735.000.000 |
GDP deflator: linked series (base year varies by country) | 116,997 |
GDP deflator (base year varies by country) | 116,997 |
Inflation, GDP deflator: linked series (annual %) | 3,23546 |
Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) | 3,23546 |
Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population) | 76,101 |
Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million | 2.439.560 |
Population in the largest city (% of urban population) | 81,275 |
Population in largest city | 2.439.560 |
Industry, value added (% of GDP) | 49,0616 |
Industry, value added (current LCU) | 57.844.700.000 |
Industry, value added (current US$) | 57.844.700.000 |
Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) | 45,6045 |
Manufacturing, value added (current LCU) | 53.768.700.000 |
Manufacturing, value added (current US$) | 53.768.700.000 |
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) | 0,693625 |
Agriculture, value added (current LCU) | 817.800.000 |