Worldbank Country Statistics for Liechtenstein
Secondary education, duration (years) | 7 |
Lower secondary school starting age (years) | 12 |
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) | 28 |
Urban population (% of total) | 14,617 |
Urban population | 5.786 |
Urban population growth (annual %) | 1,1997 |
Rural population (% of total population) | 85,383 |
Rural population growth (annual %) | 0,557799 |
Rural population | 33.798 |
Population, male (% of total) | 49,6236 |
Population, male | 19.643 |
Population, female (% of total) | 50,3789 |
Population, female | 19.942 |
Population, total | 39.584 |
Population growth (annual %) | 0,651369 |
Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population) | 21,8992 |
Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population) | 30,5287 |
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) | 52,4279 |
Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population) | 3,80034 |
Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population) | 5,60891 |
Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population) | 3,9887 |
Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population) | 4,32766 |
Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population) | 4,97378 |
Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population) | 5,28045 |
Population ages 65 and above (% of total) | 20,028 |
Population ages 65 and above, total | 7.928 |
Population ages 65 and above, male (% of total) | 18,7573 |
Population ages 65 and above, male | 3.684 |
Population ages 65 and above, female (% of total) | 21,2797 |
Population ages 65 and above, female | 4.244 |
Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population) | 5,9945 |
Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population) | 6,06273 |
Population ages 60-64, male (% of male population) | 7,31304 |
Population ages 60-64, female (% of female population) | 7,53203 |
Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population) | 7,93158 |
Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population) | 8,26668 |
Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population) | 7,9214 |
Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population) | 7,87804 |
Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population) | 6,90068 |
Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population) | 6,7347 |
Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population) | 6,66395 |
Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population) | 6,44134 |
Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population) | 6,4145 |
Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population) | 6,64694 |
Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population) | 6,29232 |
Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population) | 6,12291 |
Primary education, duration (years) | 5 |
Primary school starting age (years) | 7 |
Preprimary education, duration (years) | 7 |
Compulsory education, duration (years) | 9 |
Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population) | 6,05559 |
Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population) | 5,71421 |
Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population) | 5,33778 |
Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population) | 5,14003 |
Population ages 15-64 (% of total) | 65,604 |
Population ages 15-64, total | 25.969 |
Population ages 15-64, male (% of total) | 65,993 |
Population ages 15-64, male | 12.963 |
Population ages 15-64, female (% of total) | 65,2208 |
Population ages 15-64, female | 13.006 |
Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population) | 5,16214 |
Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population) | 4,74388 |
Population ages 10-14, male (% of male population) | 5,24614 |
Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population) | 4,60848 |
Population ages 5-9, male (% of male population) | 5,19523 |
Population ages 5-9, female (% of female population) | 4,39786 |
Population ages 0-14 (% of total) | 14,368 |
Population ages 0-14, total | 5.687 |
Population ages 0-14, male (% of total) | 15,2497 |
Population ages 0-14, male | 2.996 |
Population ages 0-14, female (% of total) | 13,4995 |
Population ages 0-14, female | 2.692 |
Population ages 0-4, male (% of male population) | 4,80833 |
Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population) | 4,49314 |
Refugee population by country or territory of asylum | 597 |
Net migration | 150 |
Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) | 0,89849 |