Relación alumno-maestro, preescolar (Oceanía) - 2019

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* Descripción de Datos: Average number of pupils per teacher at a given level of education, based on headcounts of both pupils and teachers. Divide the total number of pupils enrolled at the specified level of education by the number of teachers at the same level. In computing and interpreting this indicator, one should take into account the existence of part-time teaching, school-shifts, multi-grade classes and other practices that may affect the precision and meaningfulness of pupil-teacher ratios. When feasible, the number of part-time teachers is converted to ‘full-time equivalent’ teachers; a double-shift teacher is counted twice, etc. Teachers are defined as persons whose professional activity involves the transmitting of knowledge, attitudes and skills that are stipulated in a formal curriculum programme to students enrolled in a formal educational institution.
* Fuente de Datos :
* Al cambiar la fecha desde el menú desplegable, puede ver las estadísticas en los mapas desde 2000.
* Países con el valor más alto de "Relación alumno-maestro, preescolar" del Oceanía (2019) : .

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