Inflación, deflactor del PIB: series vinculadas (% anual) (Mundo) - 2022

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* Descripción de Datos: Inflation as measured by the annual growth rate of the GDP implicit deflator shows the rate of price change in the economy as a whole. This series has been linked to produce a consistent time series to counteract breaks in series over time due to changes in base years, source data and methodologies. Thus, it may not be comparable with other national accounts series in the database for historical years.
* Fuente de Datos :
* Al cambiar la fecha desde el menú desplegable, puede ver las estadísticas en los mapas desde 2000.
* Países con el valor más alto de "Inflación, deflactor del PIB: series vinculadas (% anual)" del Mundo (2022) : Zimbabue(264,581), Sudán(116,864), Turquía(96,0361), Argentina(69,4712), Irán(50,5852), Sri Lanka(48,8473), Suriname(43,8891), Azerbaiyán(37,2489), Etiopía(34,684), Ucrania(34,3207).

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