Costo para importar, cumplimiento fronterizo (USD) (Mundo) - 2019
* Descripción de Datos: Border compliance captures the time and cost associated with compliance with the economy’s customs regulations and with regulations relating to other inspections that are mandatory in order for the shipment to cross the economy’s border, as well as the time and cost for handling that takes place at its port or border. The time and cost for this segment include time and cost for customs clearance and inspection procedures conducted by other government agencies.
* Fuente de Datos :
* Al cambiar la fecha desde el menú desplegable, puede ver las estadísticas en los mapas desde 2000.
* Países con el valor más alto de "Costo para importar, cumplimiento fronterizo (USD)" del Mundo (2019) : República Democrática del Congo(3.039), Barbados(1.776), República del Congo(1.580,56), Camerún(1.406,88), Las Bahamas(1.385), República Unida de Tanzania(1.350), Gabón(1.320), Granada(1.256), Argentina(1.200), Sudán(1.092,5).